Friday, December 30, 2011

One of old Spanish influenced church of Philippines

Monday, June 29, 2009

5th son named Max

Max carries importance as subject of this entry today, the tiny one came over and joined our family on night of 28th June, as the 5th son in the household. The latest member of our family, fresh delivery tonight to our home, my 5th son, 3 weeks old - yet to find a name for him, rottweiler + golden retriever mix, i traded 2 best-of-my-photo prints for this puppy. Now 7 of us. I hv done a list of 50names and top-picked one, this morning before ah Jun went to school he agreed with my pick, so that it has to be unanimous decision, 5 others must consent today to confirm it. Ah Dude is obviously very happy and excited with the little brother, he is literally drooling saliva all night, he will hv a companion brother to trek Mount Singai sundays in another 6months maybe. We will have some training to do for Max.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

27th June 2009

I am marking this day with initial thoughts of late Father, 1964, 1967, 1968 and 1969 up until 19April and what happened after that eventful day. The records, documents, evidencce and recollections of events taking a turn. The truth will prevail, 40 years on.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Angkor Wat 2009

Main temple complex of Angkor Wat in afternoon sun as young monks walking by.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The white cat wishing all of you happiness in the year 2009.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Linking Sibu to Tg Manis

By 2010, road & bridges linking Sibu to Tg Manis would be ready.
It will take less than 1 hour from Sibu to reach Tg manis by then.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dude climbs 560m summit of Mount Singai

Dude is such a good boy, waiting in the car while I am having breakfast and then follows me to cimb the summit of Mount Singai today (public holiday for Saturday), arriving and resting here at the summit before noon. Taken by Nokia6680 h/p camera. He is tough and able to take the steep climb of this hill.